NCC Vacation Bible School 2024

“Dare to Be”

You’re invited to attend the 2024 NCC VBS: “Dare to Be!” Join us from Monday, June 10th to Sabbath, June 15th, as we use the stories of Daniel to exemplify how to follow Jesus, and do our part in spreading the Everlasting Gospel! Each day will include crafts, Bible stories, games, songs, and food, all designed to reinforce the spiritual lessons in a way that will be attractive and understanding for our children!

By the end of this program, your child will:

  • Be able to apply the Three Angel’s Message to their current situation, and be able to share it with others

  • Have in their memory multiple Bible verses, memorized through songs, games, and fun group activities

  • Will know why the Bible can be trusted, by sharing with them the prophecies of Daniel in way that they can understand, giving them the assurance that God is in control, even though bad things are happening in this world!

If you have any additional questions about the program, the content, or the schedule, please contact Sr Belem Salazar (the NCC Children’s Department Leader) at 623-806-9798.

If you would like to register your child, please do so using the digital form at the link below! Note, there must be a separate registration for each individual child that will attend VBS.