Western United States Union Officers
This past Sunday, November 13, 2016, delegates from all the units in the Western United States Union gathered together in Moriah Heights to elect new officers and make new plans for the coming triennial term. Our new officers are as follows:
Executive Officers: Jorai Cruz (President), David Zic (Vice President), Tobias Stockler (Secretary), Zito Souza (Treasurer), Roberto Duarte (5th Executive member)
Council Members: Executive Officers, John Baer, Adiel Gomez, Alex Karvatski, Darvin Lopez, David Lopez, Julian Utupanu
Standing Bylaws Chairperson: Tobias Stockler
Standing Finance Chairperson: Alex Karvatski
Plymouth Bible Institute Chairperson: David Zic
Northwestern Publishing Association Chairperson: Tobias Stockler
Auditor: Marian Ionitza
General Conference Delegates: Jorai Cruz, David Zic, Julian Utupanu, Roberto Duarte (Alternate), John Baer (Alternate)
Ministerial Committee: Jorai Cruz, David Zic, Roberto Duarte, John Baer, David Lopez, Julian Utupanu
SDARM GC Bulletin updates located Here
Spiritual Meetings Main Introduction:
DAY fourteen (9/9/15)
- Daniel Lee (USA) has been re-elected as the Publishing Department Director of the General Conference as well as the Director of Reformation Herald Publishing Association.
- Pedro Conceicao (Portugal) has been re-elected as the Auditor of the General Conference.
- Paul Chapman (Australia) has been re-elected as the Sabbath School Department Director of the General Conference.
- Duraisamy Sureshkumar (USA) has been re-elected as the Public Relations Director of the General Conference.
- Davi Paes Silva (USA) has been re-elected as the Editor of the General Conference.
- Davi Paes Silva (USA, Chairman), Duraisamy Sureshkumar (USA), Peter Lausevic (Australia), Eli Tenorio (Canada), and Liviu Tudoroiu (USA) have been elected as the members of the Doctrinal Working Committee of the General Conference.
- Davi Paes Silva (USA, Chairman), Peter Lausevic (Australia), Rolly Dumaguit (Australia), Eli Tenorio (Canada), Rudolfo Gessner (USA), Duraisamy Sureshkumar (USA), and Daniel Lee (USA) have been elected as the members of the Executive Committee of the General Conference.
- Davi Paes Silva (USA, Chairman), Peter Lausevic (Australia), Rolly Dumaguit (Australia), Eli Tenorio (Canada), and Duraisamy Sureshkumar (USA) have been elected as the members of the Ministerial Committee of the General Conference.
- Walter Lukic (Canada, Chairman), Jorai Cruz (USA), Marcos Pedrazas (Brazil), Jaime Campos (Brazil), and Paul Chapman (Australia) have been elected as the members of the General Conference Bylaws Committee.
- Duraisamy Sureshkumar (USA, Chairman), Alfredo Carlos Sas (Australia), Joao Moreno (Brazil), Nehemiah Chang (Japan) and Homero Paredes (USA) have been elected as the members of the General Conference Publications Approval Board.
- Davi Paes Silva (USA, Chairman), Duraisamy Sureshkumar (USA), Peter Lausevic (Australia), Eli Tenorio (Canada), Liviu Tudoroiu (USA), Edson Custodio (Brazil), Marcos Wagner Vaz (Brazil), Isaac Chichipe (Peru), Zeferino Dovala (Angola), Nel Bogdan (Romania), Eduardo Lainez (Spain), Nehemaih Chang (Japan), Benjamin Thiel (Australia), Jose Angel Usuga (Mexico), Rubi Gamez Villanueva (Honduras), Anatoli Bogatov (Ukraine), Alexander Volgin (Russia), Alwyn Vedhasingh (India), and Jorai Cruz (USA) have been elected as the members of the General Conference Doctrinal Council.
- The session has passed a recommendation from the Finance Committee with respect to the support to missions. Text as follows: “On mission that receive support from the General Conference, we propose to enforce the previous decisions relating to the assistance to new missions that limit financial support for a maximum period of six years, according to resolution 164/2011, and when they do not send reports, that such support be immediately suspended.”
The session has passed a resolution of foreign transfer workers and their social security benefits in their home country. Text as follows:
WHEREAS there should be made provision for those who have dedicated their lives to service in the work of God in the SDARM and are internationally transferred, and continue their contribution to their home country’s retirement plan, and the church recognizes the need to provide for their responsibility, it was
RESOLVED that the General Conference or the employer shall continue paying the Social Security contribution to the country where they served based on the plan of any constituent unit and independent of all constituent units of the denomination, so as not to lose the continuity of this benefit, It shall be the responsibility of the GC that the employer comply with the retirement, This cost shall be shared 50% with the employer.
The session has passed a resolution approving the sustentation plan approved by the Council for implementation. Text as follows: Considering that there is already a ‘sustentation plan’ approved by the board, which is already in use, we propose the Council make the necessary adjustments in light of the earlier decision, and this is to be ratified by the next session, and be sent in advance to all delegates.
Davi Paes Silva (USA, Chairman), Peter Lausevic (Australia), Rolly Dumaguit (Australia), Eli Tenorio (Canada), Rudolfo Gessner (USA), Duraisamy Sureshkumar (USA), Daniel Lee (USA), Segundo Guzman (Panama), Romulo Borges (Brazil), Manuel Henda (Angola), John Bosco Nsengiyumva (Rwanda), Ferenc Matyas (Hungary), Petru Mangul (Moldova), Devapiriyam Samy Doss (United Arab Emirates), Liviu Tudoroiu (USA), Adrian Finaru (USA), Radu Ionita (Romania), Mario Alvarado (Peru), Dragan Ivanov (Serbia), Andrei Devai (Brazil), and Paul Chapman (Australia) have been elected as the members of the General Conference Council.
The Session has passed a resolution from the doctrinal committee with regards to rental of church properties. Text as follows:
RESOLVED, that in while we do not rent out our sanctuaries, in general we also do not rent out our churches or meeting halls, particularly where we gather for weekly services. However, we believe that we can make some exceptions, particularly where the church owns property that is not being used on a regular, weekly basis for religious services (an example of this may be a church run school or a campground where conferences are held). Where this is the case, the properties generally are underutilized, by staying vacant most of the year. In such cases, we may consider renting the facilities to outside groups from Sunday to Friday. However, we should be careful in evaluating each group and each situation on its own merit. Some points to analyze include: the particular organization and its purposes, types of activities to be conducted, and any implications to the honor of God and the reputation of our organization for allowing that group or activity on our facility. We should be careful not to allow such inappropriate activities as the playing of loud music, consumption of alcoholic beverages, or that is opposed to our fundamental principles, and so forth. If the facility rental would also include the Sabbath hours, then all the above are applicable, with the addition that the purpose and activities of the renting organization would not violate the principles of true Sabbath keeping.
The venue for the next General Conference session has been selected. The Romanian Union will be the host for the 23rd General Conference Session in 2019.
The venue for the next General Conference session has been selected. The Romanian Union will be the host for the 23rd General Conference Session in 2019.
Andrei Devai (Brazil) has been elected as the Stewardship & Welfare Department Director of the General Conference.
Dragan Ivanov (Serbia) has been elected as the Medical Department Director of the General Conference.
Mario Alvarado (Peru) has been elected as the Education & Family Department Director of the General Conference.
DAY TWELVE (9/7/15)
Adrian Finaru (USA) has been re-elected as the Colporteur Department Director.
Radu Ionita (Romania) has been re-elected as the Youth Department Director.
The session has passed seven sections of Working Policy, Article VII, which regulates the functioning of General Conference Departments. The sections include overall department administration, Missionary Department, Sabbath School Department, Publishing Department, Reformation Herald Publishing Association, Colporteur Department, and Education Department.
The delegation has approved the recommendation of the Doctrinal Committee with regards to customary (tribal) marriages, Full text as follows:
WHEREAS a question regarding the properly conducted customary (tribal) marriage between a man and a woman was considered and how far we recognize this as a legal marriage, and further clarification was requested on Resolution #61/1995, it was
RESOLVED that in compliance with Resolution #32 /1955, such marriages properly conducted in the presence of witnesses and recognized by the society as an official marriage is binding before God and the church considers them married; and it wasFURTHER RESOLVED, that when the law or necessity requires further documentation of their marriage, then their marriage should be registered with the appropriate government body.
In such cases where the individuals are already members they must follow our existing principle on marriage that also requires a church blessing in addition to the above (see Principles of Faith and Church Order, point 18).
The delegation has approved the recommendation of the Doctrinal Committee with regards to abortion. Full text as follows:
WHEREAS the subject of abortion was analyzed because of its prevalence in many cultures, and WHEREAS it is the church’s duty to reiterate its clear stand against killing through abortion and also to instruct those that seek its guidance, it was
RESOLVED, that abortion is contrary to the biblical expression of human life beginning at conception.
The Bible supports the idea that human life begins at conception, not only at birth. At the moment of conception a new human being is created—possessing their own individuality with a God-given right to a future. (Jeremiah 1:5; Psalms 22:9, 10; 71:6; Job 31:15.)
Human life from conception is a wonderful and sacred gift of God that deserves all the protection from being destroyed by the actions of others that are afforded the human life outside the womb. (Psalm 139:13, 16.)
The taking of life at any stage of development is murder and forbidden by God. (Exodus 20:13; Matthew 19:18.)
Consequences of Choice
God does not arbitrarily rule the conscience of an individual. It is also not the role or intention of God’s church to control the individual’s conscience.
“[Thousands today] do not see that to deprive man of the freedom of choice would be to rob him of his prerogative as an intelligent being and make him a mere automaton. It is not God's purpose to coerce the will. Man was created a free moral agent. Like the inhabitants of all other worlds, he must be subjected to the test of obedience; but he is never brought into such a position that yielding to evil becomes a matter of necessity. No temptation or trial is permitted to come to him which he is unable to resist. God made such ample provision that man need never have been defeated in the conflict with Satan.”—Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 331, 332 (1890).
Each individual is endowed with the capability of choosing. Therefore each individual is responsible for their choices and those that abuse this capability and choose contrary to the requirements of God’s Word will be responsible for the tragic consequences of their choices. (Deuteronomy 30:19, 20.)“Your entire future will be influenced for good or for evil by the path you now choose.” —Mind, Character, and Personality, vol. 2, p. 421.
God is the One who gives life to all and He is the only One who can maintain it. Therefore, He is the only One who has the right to take it away under any circumstance. (Acts 17:25, 26, 28; Genesis 2:7; Job 1:21.)
Opposition to the termination of human life before birth based on the biblical imperative to protect life is not a rejection of the choice of a woman to control her own destiny or her own body. A woman is free to avoid conception or to make the parental sacrifice and place the child in the care of another loving parent if the mother cannot raise the child herself.
We recognize that carrying human life inside her womb is a significant experience requiring effort and sacrifice from a mother. Having that experience forced upon her by the sin of another human being can be very difficult. Nonetheless, avoiding that experience by abortion is no more morally defensible or acceptable than infanticide after the birth of the child. In such cases adoption may be a viable option.
Any woman who has pregnancy forced upon her needs the support and encouragement of Christians. Avoiding or rejecting such a person is contrary to the example of Jesus (Matthew 9:10, 11) and the teachings of His word.
Implications for Family Planning and Contraception
To be a parent is a God-given responsibility and one not to be taken lightly nor given up lightly. In order to establish healthful families, part of the gospel work is to hold seminars for single young people, instructing them how to have a healthy relationship before marriage.
The church, as an institution that cares for the life and happiness of its members and of society in general, should hold family seminars in order to strengthen family ties. During these seminars, parents must be instructed about the privileges and responsibilities involved in training a child from the womb. (Judges 13: 7, 13, 17; The Ministry of Healing, pp. 372, 373 (1905).)Proper birth control and family planning is a Christian requirement according to the following counsel: “Parents should not increase their families any faster than they know that their children can be well cared for, and educated. A child in the mother's arms from year to year is great injustice to her. It lessens, and often destroys, social enjoyment, and increases domestic wretchedness. It robs their children of that care, education, and happiness, which parents should feel it their duty to bestow upon them. The husband violates the marriage vow, and the duties enjoined upon him in the word of God, when he disregards the health and happiness of the wife, by increasing her burdens and cares by numerous offspring. ‘Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.’ ‘So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the lord the church’ (Ephesians 5:25, 28, 29).”—Selected Messages, bk. 2, p. 425.
We do not accept as a method of contraception intrauterine devices (such as intrauterine spirals) and medications which prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg or destroys a fertilized egg. (Proverbs 24:10−12). This is not contraception in its proper understanding, but just another form of abortion—as it removes the fetus after conception.
A Supportive Role
Jesus demonstrated that humans struggling with temptation and its consequences need compassion. Attitudes of condemnation are inappropriate in those who have accepted the gospel. Among the responsibilities of the church is the care for the poor and needy. Therefore the church should provide relief for individuals and families facing pregnancy crises as well as support to those who mistakenly made wrong choices and are in need of spiritual, moral and psychological help. (Proverbs 29:7; 31:9; Job 4:3, 4; Isaiah 35:3; Acts 20:35.)
In cases where the baby has already died, the mother must follow the physician’s guidance to preserve her life and health. The removal of such dead fetus cannot be considered abortion. In cases where insisting upon the continuation of a pregnancy imposes a great threat to the mother’s life and little possibility for the baby’s survival, then the mother, together with the physician’s guidance, must consider the options and possibilities according to the specific circumstances. Such decisions will be more appropriately dealt with inside a healthy family environment.
The delegation has approved the recommendation of the Doctrinal Committee with regards to photography on the Sabbath. Full text as follows:
WHEREAS the topic on photography, videography and other multimedia and their use on the Sabbath has been raised over many years due to concerns for true Sabbath observance; and while we realize the danger of photography and multimedia becoming a species of idolatry when abused, we also realize that when rightly used, it can have a beneficial effect in spreading the gospel message. In order to understand what is appropriate with photography or the use of multimedia on the Sabbath, the following considerations were made.
Why the Sabbath Is Given?
The Sabbath is a time for us to come into a closer relationship with God and spend time in worship, meditation, praise, fellowship, holy deeds of necessity and commemoration of what He has done for us.
“If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words.” Isaiah 58:13.
“There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.” Hebrews 4:9, 10.
“The Sabbath is not intended to be a period of useless inactivity. The law forbids secular labor on the rest day of the Lord; the toil that gains a livelihood must cease; no labor for worldly pleasure or profit is lawful upon that day; but as God ceased His labor of creating, and rested upon the Sabbath and blessed it, so man is to leave the occupations of his daily life, and devote those sacred hours to healthful rest, to worship, and to holy deeds.”—The Desire of Ages, p. 207.
“When you associate together, let the mind be reverently turned to the contemplation of eternal realities. Thus you will be helping one another to be spiritually minded.”—Manuscript Releases, vol. 9, p. 141.
Photography or videography on Sabbath
In view of the above principles of true Sabbathkeeping, it was
RESOLVED that the use of multimedia such as photos, video and similar technologies intended for use in the promotion or dissemination of the truth such as baptisms, religious meetings and other spiritual events when taken on the Sabbath is in harmony with the spirit of true Sabbathkeeping. However, we should keep in mind that “from doing works of necessity” we may “fall into the habit of doing things on the Sabbath that are not necessary. The sense of its sacredness is lost, and the holy commandment is of no effect” (MM 215). Also, care should be taken by all members that reverence for the Sabbath and house of God is maintained at all times. In order to maintain reverence during meetings it may be necessary for local organizers to appoint a limited number of people to be responsible for multimedia recording, including photography.
Common photography or videography
Ministers and members “upon the Sabbath . . . should conscientiously restrict themselves to conversation upon religious themes—to present truth, present duty, the Christian’s hopes and fears, trials, conflicts, and afflictions; to overcoming at last, and the reward to be received.” —Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 704.
The servant of the Lord counsels us that “albums filled with photographs of the family and their friends are placed where they will attract the attention of visitors. Thus the thoughts, which should be upon God and heavenly interests, are brought down to common things. Is not this a species of idolatry?” —Selected Messages, vol. 2, p. 317.
As the photography or videography of family and friends when taken, viewed or shared on the Sabbath in a non-religious context have a tendency to bring the thoughts down to common things, in order to keep the Sabbath day holy, we should avoid such practices.
DAY ELEVEN (9/6/15)
- John Bosco Nsengiyumva (Rwanda) has been elected as the Regional Secretary for Northern Africa. This means that all nine regional secretaries have been selected.
- Liviu Tudoroiu (USA) has been elected as the SDARM GC Missionary Department Director.
- The Bylaws have been amended to add the Welfare Department to the list of General Conference departments which cannot be dissolved.
DAY NINE (9/3/15)
- All but one of the Regional Secretaries were elected:
Regional Secretary for Asia – Samy Doss (United Arab Emirates)
Assistant Regional Secretary for Asia – Alwyn Vedhasingh (India)
Regional Secretary for Central America – Daniel Guzman (Panama)
Regional Secretary for Europe – Ferenc Matyas (Hungary)
Regional Secretary for Eurasia – Petru Mangul (Moldova)
Regional Secretary for North America – Duraisamy Sureshkumar (USA)
Regional Secretary for Northern Africa – still to be decided
Regional Secretary for the Pacific – Rolly Dumaguit (Australia)
Assistant Regional Secretary for the Pacific – Nehemiah Chang (Japan)
Regional Secretary for South America – Romulo Borges (Brazil)
Assistant Regional Secretary for South America – Mario Alvarado (Peru)
Regional Secretary for Southern Africa – Manuel Henda (Angola)
DAY SEVEN (9/1/15)
In order to facilitate the expanding work of the African Region, the delegates have voted to divide Africa into two regions. There will now be a North African Region and a South African Region, each with its own Regional Secretary. At present Africa is all in one region with a regional secretary and an assistant.
The new Northern African Region will include: Burundi Mission, Central Nigerian Mission, East African Union Mission, East Nigerian Mission, Ethiopian Union Mission, Ghana Mission, Liberian Mission, Madagascar Mission, North Kivu Mission, Rwandan Union Mission, South Kivu Mission, Seychelles Mission Field.
The new Southern African Region will include: Angolan Union, Botswana Mission Field, Congo Union, East Zambian Mission, Mozambique Mission, South African Field, West Zambian Field, Zimbabwe Field.
DAY SIX (8/31/15)
- Rolly Dumaguit (Australia) has been elected as the 2nd Vice-President of the SDARM General Conference. Originally from the Philippines, he currently serves as the Regional Secretary for the Pacific.
- Eli Tenorio (Canada) has been re-elected as the Secretary of the SDARM General Conference.
- Rudolfo Gessner (USA) has been re-elected as the Treasurer of the SDARM General Conference.
day five (8/30/15)
- Began with the seating of a late-arriving delegate from Vietnam, bringing the total to 176 of 204 delegates seated.
- This is the first time Vietnam has been represented at the GC session.
- Peter Lausevic (Australia) has been elected as the 1st Vice-President of the SDARM General Conference.
day four (8/28/15)
- Began with the seating of four more delegates who have arrived from the Philippine Union Conference, bringing the total to 175 of 204 delegates seated.
The Session has passed a resolution with regards to the placement of the church into the Laodicean message. Text of the resolution as follows:
WHEREAS the issue of the placement of the Reform Movement within the prophecy of the seven churches was discussed by the General Conference Delegation Session (#52/2003) and was passed to the Working Doctrinal Committee, it was
RESOLVED, that we acknowledge that the prophecy of the seven churches represent Christ’s church living in different periods of the Christian era, and that the Reform Movement, as the remnant church of Christ, is living within the period of Laodicea. The counsel of the Faithful Witness applies to each individual who desires salvation. It is our duty to accept this message personally and it is our mission to preach it to the whole world. Those who overcome during the Laodicean period will be granted to sit with Christ in His throne. It was
FURTHER RESOLVED, that there is a difference between a person or denomination living in the last period of the New Testament church who have a tendency to fall into the condition described in the message to the Laodiceans receiving the message of warning and hope, and between those who actually come to the point of being spewed out. The missionary outreach programs or other religious exercises of an individual or denomination that is spewed out of the mouth of Christ are not accepted before God. It was
FURTHER RESOLVED, that we continue as a people, to recognize our spiritual need of this most precious message of Christ Our Righteousness as it began to be presented in 1888. “The message which the messengers have been proclaiming is the message to the Laodicean church. [Revelation 3:14-20, quoted.]”—Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, p. 1051; The acceptance of this message is made manifest in the obedience to all the commandments of God as it accomplishes the needed reformation among those who are preparing for translation. As the church of God in the last period of the Christian era, the important counsels of each of the seven churches are to be accepted. “I call upon our church members to read the whole of the third chapter of Revelation, and to make an application of it.”
- The Session has passed a resolution on euthanasia.
- WHERAS God is the Lifegive, and it is not the right of anyone to take human life, it was
- RESOLVED that the practice of any human being intentionally ending a human life in order to relieve pain or suffering (euthanasia), is contrary to God’s will (Exodus 20:13). As Christians, we are not to request or consent to euthanasia nor should we be involved in the so-called mercy killing of another human being. It was
- FURTHER RESOLVED, that we believe that every human being has a personal human right to either choose or refuse medical treatment for any ailment, including terminal illness.
- Pastor Davi Paes Silva has been re-elected as the President of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement General Conference.
Day Three (8/27/15)
- Began with the seating of another delegate from Canada bringing the total to 171 of 204 delegates seated.
- The Doctrinal Committee has introduced three resolutions to the floor for consideration
- Organ Donation
- Prophetic Laodicea
- Euthanasia
- The Finance Committee presented a report clearing the past administration.
- The Nominating Committee can now begin presenting their report.
- Bylaws Committee (Marcus Pedrazas [Brazil], Chairman and Radu Ionita [Romania], Secretary) presented a resolution to require that for doctrinal resolutions to pass they must have at least 75% in favor, provided that they (the 75%) represent at least 60% of the worldwide membership. Resolution passed.
- Doctrinal Resolution on organ donation was passed. Resolution reads as follows:
- WHEREAS a question was submitted regarding the church’s position on organ donation, it was
RESOLVED, that when organs may be used to sustain someone’s life, body organs may be donated, provided that the deceased person had given prior consent and/or the family members give consent to donate. There is no Scriptural prohibition in donation of organs to save someone’s life. While we are alive, we may donate blood or other organs to help sustain life. This is also in accordance with the gospel principle.
“For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.” Romans 5:7.
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13.
“For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.” Leviticus 17:11.
“Our personal identity is preserved in the resurrection, though not the same particles of matter or material substance as went into the grave. The wondrous works of God are a mystery to man. The spirit, the character of man, is returned to God, there to be preserved. In the resurrection every man will have his own character. God in His own time will call forth the dead, giving again the breath of life, and bidding the dry bones live. The same form will come forth, but it will be free from disease and every defect. It lives again bearing the same individuality of features, so that friend will recognize friend. There is no law of God in nature which shows that God gives back the same identical particles of matter which composed the body before death. God shall give the righteous dead a body that will please Him.”—The SDA Bible Commentary [E. G. White Comments], vol. 6, p. 1093.
- WHEREAS a question was submitted regarding the church’s position on organ donation, it was
day two (8/26/15)
- Started with the seating of four more delegates bringing the total to 170 of 204 delegates seated.
- 1 from the East African Union Mission
- 2 from the Spanish Field
- 1 from the West Zimbabwe Field
- The session committees have all been chosen and will begin work on their respective agenda items.
- The five delegates from the Western United States Union are on the following committees:
- Jorai Cruz - Nominating Committee
- David Zic - Doctrinal Committee
- Julian Utupanu - Plans Committee
- Liviu Tudoroiu - Plans Committee
- Adrian Finaru - Plans Committee
- The committees are doing their work and will bring reports to the floor as they finish various agenda items assigned to them.
- The six working committees:
- Nominating Committee
- Chair: Rolly Dumaguit (Australia)
- Secretary: Paul Chapman (Australia)
- Doctrinal Committee
- Chair: Benjamin Thiel (Australia)
- Secretary: David Zic (USA)
- Plans Committee
- Chair: Davi Paes Silva (USA)
- Assistant Chair: Adrian Finaru (USA)
- Secretary: Liviu Tudoroiu (USA)
- Finance Committee
- Bylaws Committee
- Chair: Marcus Pedrazas (Brazil)
- Secretary: Radu Ionita (Romania)
- Medical Committee
- Nominating Committee
Day One (8/25/15)
- At the opening of the GC Session, 166 out of the 204 delegates were present and seated
- New units were accepted and some existing units have been reorganized
- Congo Union Mission
- Zambian Union Mission
- Madagascar Mission
- Zimbabwe East Mission
- Zimbabwe West Field
- Cape Verde Mission
- Liberian Mission
- East African Union Mission
- Eastern Indonesian Mission
- Nazu Utara Mission
- Western Indonesian Mission
- South Pacific Union Mission
- Sri Lanka Northern Mission
- Sri Lanka Central Mission
- Andaman & Nicobar Mission
- Rwandan Union Mission
- Ecuadorian Union
- The worldwide membership as of December 31, 2015 was reported by the Secretary as 38,675 members.
- With the conclusion of the reports from all executives, regional secretaries, permanent committees, and department directors, they laid down their offices and the temporary officers for the delegation were selected.
- Session Chairman: Duraisamy Sureshkumar
- Assistant Session Chairman: Peter Lausevic
- Session Secretary: Eli Tenorio
- Committees will be chosen and work on the agenda will begin tomorrow.