YouTube Videos:

Day 1 - August 20, 2015 @ 7:00PM PST

Day 2 - August 21, 2015 @ 7:00PM PST

Day 3 - August 22, 2015 @ 11:00AM PST (Morning)

August 20-23   |   International Sacred Music Congress   |    Schedule below



Questions/concerns: Jorai Cruz - (916)-502-0022

Location: Oak Hills Church, 1100 Blue Ravine Rd, Folsom, CA 95630


Thursday, August 20, 2015 @ 7:00PM PST

  • 7:00PM-7:15PM  -  Orchestra Presentation
  • Hymn: "Now I Belong to Jesus"
  • Prayer: Julian Utupanu
  • Message: "The Power of  Music" by Pr. Radu Ionita
  • Sacred Music Congress Medley with Julio Luz and Praise Team
  1. Carmichael Choir: "O Senhor e Minha Luz"
  2. Gracielle Tumang Solo: "Spirit Song"
  3. Lighthouse Quartet: "I am Free"
  4. Renovassom USA Group: "There is always a Place"
  5. Ukraine Vocal Group - Tanya Solo: "I Believe"
  6. Renovassom Brasil: Medley Song
  7. K3 Angels Quartet: "God will Take Car of You"

    Intermission: "The Advent Message"
  8. Barbosa Family Duet: "Maravilhoso Senhor"
  9. B4 The Throne Quartet: "Haven of Rest"
  10. Ladies of Faith Group: "Yes, My Jesus Loves Me"
  11. Renovassom Brazil and USA Groups: "I Surrender All"
  12. Romanian Vocal Group: "Alone in a Cold Night"
  13. North California Conference Choir: "The Majesty and Glory of Your Name"

Friday, August 21, 2015 @ 7:00PM PST

  • 7:00PM-7:15PM  -  Orchestra Presentation
  • Hymn: "Majesty, Worship His Majesty"
  • Prayer: Alex Karvatski
  • Message: "True Worshiper" by Br. Marcos Pedrazas
  • Sacred Music Congress Medley with Julio Luz and Praise Team
  1. North California Conference Choir: "Battle Hymn of the Republic"
  2. Vocal4 Quartet: "A Rude Cruz traz Vitoria" & "Mostre a Cruz"
  3. K3 Angels Quartet: "His Eye is on the Sparrow"
  4. Renovassom Brazil Group: "Mais Perto do que Pensas"
  5. Gracielle & Pillipino Group: "Kung Kamtam Mo Man" & One Thing I Ask Medley
  6. Semear Quartet: "He Touched Me" & "Habita em Mim"
  7. Songs For Eternity Group: "144,000 Saints" & "Master the Tempest is Raging"
  8. Renovassom Brazil & Renovassom USA: "Minha Cruz"

    Intermission: "The Advent Message"
  9. B4 the Throne Quartet: "Jesus Lover of my Soul"
  10. Ladies of Faith: "Gift of Love"
  11. The Lighthouse Quartet: "Crimson River"
  12. Romanian Vocal Group: "Joy of Love"
  13. Renovassom USA: "Go Forth"
  14. Ukraine Vocal Group: "There Will be Joy"
  15. Barbosa Family Trio: "Estar com Jesus"
  16. Carmichael Choir: "Medley - Que Seguranca"

Sabbath, August 22, 2015 @ 9:30AM PST

  • 9:15AM-9:30AM  -  Orchestra Presentation
  • Hymn: "In the Heart of Jesus"
  • Prayer: Jeriel Fountain
  1. Maksym Kalinin & Tania Palamarchuk: "My Tribute" (Trumpet and Piano)

    Review Lesson: "How to Study the Bible" by Br. Isaac Senior
    Sacred Music Congress Medley with Julio Luz and Praise Team

  2. Vocal4 Quartet: "Preco de Sangue"

    Day's Lesson: "Discernment"
  3. Renovassom Brazil: "Se Nao ha Saida"
    "The Advent Message"
    Final Prayer: Pr. Roberto Duarte

Sabbath, August 22, 2015 @ 11:00AM PST

  • 11:00AM-11:15AM  -  Orchestra Presentation
  • Silent Prayer: "In the Stillness of this Moment"
  • Hymn: "Blessed Assurance"
  • Prayer: Pr. Liviu Tudoroiu
  1. North California Conference Choir: "Crown Him With Many Crowns"
  2. Semear Quartet: "A Minha Paz te Dou"

    "The Advent Message"
    Message: "Praising with Spirit and Understanding" by Pr. Radu Ionita
    Final Prayer: Pr. Radu Ionita

  3. North California Conference Choir: The Benediction Song
    Final Benediction: Pr. Jorai Cruz

Sabbath, August 22, 2015 @ 3:00PM PST  (Instrumental and Vocal Program)

  • Hymn: "When Peace Like a River"
  • Prayer: Jordan Chapman
  • Sacred Music Congress Medley with Julio Luz and Praise Team
  1. Peter & Renata Barros: "Jesus Paid it All Medley" (Piano & Cello)
  2. Bianca and Marta: "The Holy City"
  3. Moriah Heights Quartet (Tobias Stockler, Lysander Dumitru, John Leggett, & Eder Nunes)
  4. Aldo Cordova: "His Eye is on the Sparrow" (Piano)
  5. Semear Quartet: "Rocha Eterna"
  6. Jason Raileanu: "Power in the Blood" (Violin & Piano)
  7. Joel Souza: "My Tribute"

    Intermission: "The Advent Message"

  8. Diana Raileanu & Joao Baiense: "Via Dolorosa" (Flute & Piano
  9. Gianna Dobrescu: "God's Love"
  10. Cynthia & Paloma Duarte: "Jesus Loves Me" (instrumental)
  11. Vocal4 Quartet: "Minha Permissao"
  12. Renovassom Brazil: "Silente Adoracao"
  13. Maksym Kalinin and Tanya Palamarchuk: (trumpet and piano)
  14. Men's Choir: "Let Not Your Heart be Troubled" -5 Quartets(B4 the Throne, Vocal4, Semear, Lighthouse, and Carmichael)

Sabbath, August 22, 2015 @ 5:00PM PST

  • 5:00PM-5:15PM  -  Orchestra Presentation
  • Hymn: "Great is Thy Faithfulness"
  • Prayer: Isaac Senior
  • Message: "The Song of Their Experience" by Br. Marcos Pedrazas
  • Sacred Music Congress Medley with Julio Luz and Praise Team
  1. Carmichael Choir: "Cristo Jesus Voltara"
  2. Renovassom Brazil & Renovassom USA: "Come into His Presence"
  3. Ukraine Vocal Group: "Say 'I Forgive'"
  4. The Lighthouse Quartet: "There's Something About that Name"
  5. Songs for Eternity Group: "What a Day that Will Be"
  6. Barbosa Family Group: "Jesus"
  7. Graciell Tumang: "Before the Throne of God Above"
  8. Semear Quartet: "Vaso de Alabastro"

    Intermission: "The Advent Message"
  9. Renovassom USA: "Love Medley"
  10. K3 Angels Quartet: "How Great Thou Art"
  11. Vocal4 Quartet: "Eu Sei de um Rio"
  12. Romania Vocal Group: "Like a Lighthouse on the Seashore"
  13. Ladies of Faith: "There is Sunshine"
  14. B4 the Throne Quartet: "Homesick for Heaven"
  15. Renovassom Brazil: Eu Lovarei"
  16. North California Conference Choir: "The Heavens are Telling"

Sunday, August 23, 2015 @ 5:00PM PST

  • 5:00PM-5:15PM  -  Orchestra Presentation
  • Hymn: "There's a Land that is Fairer than Day"
  • Prayer: Darvin Lopez
  • Message: "Eternal Praising" by Pr. David Zic
  • Sacred Music Congress Medley with Julio Luz and Praise Team

Favorite Songs from the previous presentations:


  1. North California Conference Choir: "The Heavens are Telling"
  2. Renovassom USA
  3. K3 Angels Quartet: "How Great Thou Art"
  4. Vocal4 Quartet
  5. Romania Vocal Group: "Alone in a Cold Night"
  6. Ladies of Faith: "There is Sunshine"
  7. B4 the Throne Quartet: "Homesick for Heaven"
  8. Renovassom Brazil

    Intermission: "The Advent Message"
  9. Renovassom Brazil & Renovassom USA: "Come Into His Presence"
  10. Ukraine Vocal Group: "There Will Be Joy"
  11. The Lighthouse Quartet: "There is Something About that Name"
  12. Barbosa Family Group: "Jesus"
  13. Gracielle Tumang: "Before the Throne of God"
  14. Semear Quartet: "He Touched Me"
  15. Carmichael Choir: "Jesus Christ is Coming Soon"
  16. Songs for Eternity: "What a Day That Will Be"

Closing Hymns: "The Lord's Prayer" & "Hallelujah" by all singers

"Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and for evermore." -Psalms 113:2