Join us as we study how Jesus made connections and preached through methods of Friendship!
Friday, March 7
6:45 PM - Song Service Begins
7:00 PM - “Practical Evangelism: Christ's Method” presented by Br Daniel Balbach in Moriah Heights
Sabbath, March 8
11:00 AM - “A Personal Call to Work with Jesus: The Cycle of Evangelism” presented in all NCC Local Churches
3:30 PM - “Prepare the Soil: Interactive Group Workshop” led by Br Daniel Balbach in the Moriah Heights Auditorium
5:00 PM - Afternoon Refreshments (Contact Sr Mariola Dumitru to contribute!)
6:00 PM - “The Secret! Making the Complicated Simple” presented by Br Daniel Balbach
8:00 PM - Evening Youth Activities
Sunday, March 9
11:00 AM - Outreach Activities in NCC Local Communities